Welcome Back! We are discussing the trial of the comte de Morangies Vs. the Verons. This case really picked up popularity as it happened because of the subjects - regular citizens vs. the nobility. The case was an early example of a cause célèbre and reports of it spread quickly about town. Most everyone was routing for the Verons, and against the noble. If you have not read the first part read it here: (Part 1)
Part 2

It did not take long after giving a confession for both mother and son to take it back! They brought the case to the Paris courts to pursue the comte. The trial was long and drawn out, and the Parisians followed it with peaked interest. The debate became public, there were pamphlets, and everyone had an opinion.
It took twenty months to reach a verdict. The winners of the case were the Verons. The comte was ordered to pay back the 300,000 livres, as well as interest and extra charges for damages. This was ridiculous to the comte and he brought the case to the higher Paris courts (let the great debate continue!)

In addition to being cleared of having to make the enormous payments he was to receive 1000 livres in damages. The Verons (sans grandmother who had passed away in the midst of the debacle at 88 years of age from distress over the whole pickle) received sentences. The boy was banished from the city for three years and the mother had to pay a small fine.
And that concludes the case of 1771!
Hmm, things seem a little fishy on the comte's side. I'm not sure what to believe.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure either. Of course, my sympathies are always with the seemingly more down-trodden party, so I want it to be a case of the rich prick sticking it to the poor family.